Mutual Funds ! -- Fund ka Funda !

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Monye Market Mutual Funds !

A money market fund invests in a pool of short-term, interest-bearing securities.A money market instrument is a short-term IOU issued by the U.S. government,U.S. corporations, and state and local governments. Money market instruments have maturity dates of less than 13 months. These instruments are relatively stable because of their short maturities and high quality.

Money market funds are most appropriate for short-term investment and savings goals or in situations where you seek to preserve the value of your investment while still earning income. In general, money market funds are useful as part of a diversified personal financial program that includes long-term investments.

Money Market Fund Risks
The short-term nature of money market investments makes money market funds less volatile than any other type of fund. Money market funds seek to maintain a $1-per-share price to preserve your investment principal while generating dividend income. To help preserve the value of your principal investment, money market funds must meet stringent credit quality, maturity, and diversification standards. Most money market funds are required to invest at least 95 percent of their assets in U.S. Treasury issues and privately issued securities carrying

the highest credit rating by at least two of the five major credit rating agencies. A money market fund generally cannot invest in any security with a maturity greater than 397 days, nor can its average maturity exceed 90 days. All of these factors help minimize risk. However, money market funds do not guarantee that you will receive all your money back. Money market funds are not insured by the U.S. government. “Inflation risk”—that is, the risk your
investment return fails to keep pace with the inflation rate—is another concern if you
choose to invest in money market funds or any other short-term investments. See page
25 for a broader discussion of inflation risk.


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